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Forensic Fact-Check: Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid

Scott Stedman,Nov 8, 2021

Israel’s Foreign Minister Yair Lapid recently answered a question about NSO Group, an Israeli cyber surveillance firm that sells hacking tools and was recently blacklisted by the U.S. government. The statement: NSO is a private company, it is not a governmental project and therefore even if it is designated, it

About Us:

Stone is a transparency tool for journalists and other researchers, which provides a streamlined end-to-end solution for capturing, logging, editing, annotating, and sharing research as video.

We believe the biggest problems facing journalism and the information ecosystem more generally - distrust and disinformation - cannot be addressed through control and appeals to institutional legacy. The church and state tried that half a millenia ago with the printing press and it was a disaster.

Now as then, the solution is not an institution or an individual. It’s a process, one that’s open to everyone.

We wanted to build a tool that enables users to turn valuable, original research into something they could share. Something that would help elevate and sustain quality journalism. Something that would earn trust and a bigger audience by telling the story behind the story.

The Team:

Our founding team originally met in Cairo in 2011. Austin, Aliya and Daniel witnessed a revolution facilitated by the democratising power of new information technology. However, they also saw the effects of disinformation and deteriorating trust first-hand.

Joined by co-founders John and Sebastian, they initially tried to start a publication in order to practice “transparent journalism”, but realised that the tool they (and the rest of the industry) needed to streamline the process, didn’t exist. So they decided to build it.

Fast forward a few years, a few early iterations and a whole lot of conversation with journalists, media professionals and academics across the world, they connected with Duncan, who has helped build the Stone platform, as it exists today.

Aliya - Managing Director

Egyptian journalist, producer and media entrepreneur.

Austin - CEO

Australian journalist, digital epistemologist and basic income activist.

Daniel - CBDO / Product Lead

New Zealand sociologist, diplomat and celestial commons advocate.

Duncan - Lead Engineer

New Zealand developer, system architect and (video) game theorist.

Sebastian - Lead Designer

Australian UI developer, artist and wild technomage

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Research Transparency

Stone is only available on windows 10 and 11.

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